Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Moment of Triumph

My husband purchased a cartoon for our children. Please make a mental note of the fact that my husband did indeed purchase the said video I will now speak of. It was a very plain looking video called,"Mark Twain." I put it in for the children to watch and went to lie down, in the hopes that my medicine would knock me out cold!! I lay awake unable to sleep,but just as I was drifting off....the light in my room was thrown on and six children came bounding into my room. Where did Daddy get that movie? Did you know that they had the devil look us? Mommy, they said Adam and Eve wore clothes all the time? Heaven wasn't Heaven and Hell wasn't Hell. Those are just a few of the things they were shouting out at me. If I have ever wondered if my children were paying attention. If I ever wondered if they know the truth. I do not wonder now. When Daddy came home we scratched the fire out of our new DVD and then threw it in the trash. Good job kids!! [and keep listening]

1 comment:

luvmyboys said...

Yeah, they are listening...too much! E offered R a kid's devotional the other day...said that he should read it with Mommy...after E had heard us have a "discussion". Ugh!