Thursday, July 10, 2008


I was pondering recently, who of my precious six children, would care for me in my elder years. It seems the thirties have nearly passed me by and forty doesn't seem nearly as old as it used to! Fifty year old people are mere children now. Oh how times are changing. As I reflected how time was getting away from me, I reflected over each of my children's personalities. Each child has his own little quirks and I get along with some better than others, due only to personality differences. My thoughts came to rest on Cassie. She had played with dolls earlier than any of my other children, rocking them all so sweetly and tucking them in bed at night with a prayer! She even nursed her baby dolls along side of me when Charity had been born. My precious little Cassie! I decided to set her down and discuss the delicate matter of my aging and the things I would need. Why not get the matter settled now. [so what that she is only 6. I needed peace of mind.] The moment seemed right for our little heart to heart, and it went something like this! "Cassie, mom has something to ask you." "What Mommy?" was her reply. "Well, I was wondering, do you love me?" "Oh yes, I love you so much Mommy!" she very quickly responded. "When mommy is too old to brush her hair will you brush it for me?" I asked. "I love to brush your hair Mommy." she said in her sweetest little voice. Things were going quite well. What had I been worried about? Of course Cassie was the right choice! All the time I have invested and will invest in her is definitely going to pay off. "Well Cassie," I continued,"when mommy can no longer feed herself will you cook all my favorite things to eat and feed them to me?" Her answer came quickly," Mommy, I love to cook and I will make you all your favorites and even take you out to eat sometimes." We were in the home stretch now. "Sweetheart, Mommy was just wondering, when I am too old to wipe myself will you....." At this point she interupts me with,"Mommy,will that really happen?" I believe in always telling your children the truth so of course I told her "Yes!" Her profound statement to that was,"I will have to kill you then before that happens." I sat there stunned. My sweet little girl. Where did I go wrong? I think maybe I gave her more information than she was ready to handle. I still have five other children to talk with,but I am thinking that maybe I should pray that at least one of them gets a really good job so they can put me in a really nice home, where they will pay someone to wipe mommy.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Cassie's Salvation

About one year ago, shortly after Cassie turned 6, I began to pray for her salvation. [shame on me for not having begun to pray for it 9 months before she was born] I began to plant seeds in her heart by telling her when she did something wrong, that it was sin and that was why Jesus had to die on the cross for her and mommy and daddy. Each time she would listen a little more, but every time I would get close to quoting Romans 6:23 the discussion would go something like this.... Me: Sweetheart,the Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death.

Cassie: Mommy, let's sing a song.

The next time...Me: Honey, do you know what the price of sin is?

Cassie: How about I help you fold the clothes Mommy?

round three...Me: Cassie, Jesus loves you so much that he gave his life for you!

Cassie: I am going outside to play now.

It became apparent to me that she was not ready. I told my husband that I was not going to bring it up again, until she started the conversation. Cassie has always had a Barbie mentality about the world: 'if we do not talk about bad things,they do not exist."If we think very happy thoughts all things bad will disappear!" Then one day it happened!!!!! In the middle of Wal-mart, Cassie walked up to me and said," Mommy, when we get home,I want to get saved. I wanted to make sure that she really did want to talk about it, so I didn't say a word when we got home. We had not been home two minutes when she ran in the room and asked me if I was ready to tell her how to be saved. I told her to let me put away the groceries and we could talk then. She helped me put away the groceries and asked if we could go now! We went to the wash room where I knew we would not be disturbed and I explained to her that the Bible says,"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD. I told her that it meant we are all on an invisible ladder, with GOD at the top, and everyone else somewhere in between, but no one is as good as GOD. I then asked her where she thought she was on the ladder. Her reply," Right under GOD!" I knew she did not understand, at that point, that her sins moved her a little further down on the ladder than that. So, I asked her if she ever got so mad that she hated someone. She said,"Yes." I then explained to her that the Bible tells us that is the same as murder. As we continued on her facial expression showed she knew she was not as good as GOD! A few moments later, she bowed her head and asked Jesus to come into her heart and to save her!! It was the most precious experience of my life!! That was a little over 6 months ago and we have seen the Lord change her little life and make her into a young lady who seeks forgiveness very quickly and wants to please GOD in every way, often asking the question, " Mommy does this make Jesus happy?" If only I were as careful with my own actions asking, "Jesus does this make you happy?"


Charity came into my room crying her eyes out. "Mom, Jonathan took my Bible case and he is using it to put his toys in." I decided to ask her which case he took,thinking that she had more than one. Her reply,"The one that is the shape of my Bible." My husband and I laughed and laughed. All I could think was DUH, Mom!!